My eyes had done serious raining before all of this.Life is such a gamble right now.I am the person I've always wanted to be.With no hesitation whatsoever.It takes one to know one.Spontaneous or romantic?Spontaneously romantic.Isn't that how you described me?I think you've been listening to too much Bright Eyes,kid.It's okay though.Life stories are better told by me than you,so you have to create your own somehow.I get it.
All there is left to do is sleep,and live off busted eyes and caffeine.That's the life we live.Pull my hair and tease my soul.Sexual disadvantages that capture me every time.
We stuck to the sheets.
And we're virtually still there.
Your body is my cure.
Of all this silly madness.
God it feels so good to be carefree with you.
Only thing is;
no motivation
no motivation
no motivation
no motivation
no motivation
no motivation
no motivation
Bones that broke my back
Posted by
6:45:00 PM