For a while.
I need my peace of mind, I need a break. Probably done with this blog for a while. Probably done with this life for a while. Who knows. I'm re-evaluating things. Don't expect much from me anymore. I'm feeble and tired. Too tired for relationships in my life anymore. I don't care enough to fix anything because if they are broken in the first place, they're not meant to be, correct? I don't know, and it really sounds like I'm being cynical but I'm not. I've just come to conclusion on alot of things and I'm okay with acceptance. I need a new thing (person, rather) to vent to, other than this silly blog. It's not going anywhere. I have people, new people that want to get to know me here that want to hear my stories and listen, genuinely listen to what I have to say. People that I feel could care about me, and if not it's a risk I'm willing to take. I can't live and express myself to the cyber world. It's a one-way relationship, this venting. I feel like I have nothing left that's worth explaining anymore, not on here anyway. I've got a whole new life to explore and I am more than eager. Can't waste my time anymore on these pointless mental excursions. Definitely when I could be making them with someone. I'm moving on. And in the end of it all, everything happens for a reason. Kind of like my life and how it coordinates with this blog. The next sequence of events usually predict how this thing works, right?
Goodbye, unfortunate target that had to put up with my bullshit, whiny ranting.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
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12:41:00 AM