
And in that moment, I swear it was infinite

Why is it always harder to quite than to start?
It's this habit,that is what's eating at me,peeling away the flesh off my bones.I swear it's getting stale,but I need help,and you weren't there.You're never there.Your addiction is slowly but surely becoming entwined into me,and sadly I succumb to it.You're winning this battle.You're winning.You've won.Behalf of the polar bear,I'll lick your lips while it stings like bees.On my knees,will you please stay,for me?I know you can not resist it.This is all a childish game you play and you're the fool every time.You know my weaknesses like the back of your hand.Contradictory is humbling to you,isn't it?This distance is killing me,and you don't even know,well how could you?You're always intoxicated these days,when I need you most.I crave your touch,but only God knows we'll never be again what we used to be,or be at all for that matter.So tell me what to do,and I'll do it.Tell me how to live for you,because at this point,I am living for nothing.I have these ambitions,you know,and I can vision it now.My whole life,as far as wanting to be with someone,and it was you.It still is.Only problem is,I need you to see that.Shit,you don't have to have perfect vision,I'm not asking for 20/20 here baby,but at least make this damn effort.For me?Congratulations in succeeding what you had planned.You've won.You have won.
Our words are overproduced by influence.
I was nothing to you,but a conquest of your fondest memories.
Hopefully good memories,at that.