
that's the C-Horse for ya!

you sit
you stare
whhhattt daaa fuck was that?!
hip hop to ihop
I don't believe so
omg this is
this is repeating in my head
I'm rehearsing these OCD steps
I'll let you witness the stupidity
but please don't laugh
I get up from that cold concrete
I heard the machines
they were chasing after me
Those hammers and bats like you see in Silent Hill
I was forced into a black room with the fetal stance
it smelt of dead bodies,and human anatomy smothered
and smeared across the walls.
I could literally taste the blood from the hearts that have been
ripped out and innocent people that were a carnivores meal
I never uttered a single word
I could hear even the silence mixed with battlegrounds
of rust whistling from that metal,which was soon my enemy
and I was the prey. It was deafening.I hestitate while I wait.
For the obscenities to capture and chew me out alive.

To be quite blunt about it,I loved that feeling
of rush,uncertainty,and being completely helpless like an infant
And stumbling around like a dumb ass
"AHAHA" "AKEEEKEEEKEE" my brains are too fried
for me to comprehend a damn word you've just hostilely lashed at me
do i give a damn?No.
I laugh at you for trying.
I run around and capture the rat,did you see it!?
I swear it was there,there on that wall.
No,Crystal you're hallucinating again.
They get sick of me.
I know they do,and I would too.
But that's why I laugh while I hurt on the inside.
If I were them,I would've left me alone a long time ago.
What did you expect?
It's not ridiculous at the time.
I must say,drugs are not good kids.
But it's the one thing that will never let you down.
Just others,but we don't think about that in the midst of it all.
And I'm still suffering,you just don't see it.
I am not what you know me for.
I'm a monster in doubt.

oh,btw I don't do drugs.
This was an observation of a dream.
I don't reccommend them either