
Painting these walls with my brains

Cold,hot,in between.
As of right now,this very instant I have let a burden free from my soul into the crevices of the ground.Not buried,just out of sight,out of mind.They have willingly seeped into God's hands,not in my control anymore.You could say I'm seeing the other side to life that has been offered to me,and I most definitely have risked my heart being on the line.But I wouldn't have it any other way.Perfection probably isn't legit,but it sure does satisfy these feelings.Multiple actions.I am more than content while we lay under the covers and hold hands.In all practicality,I could lie with you forever.Never getting up or making a move only to stay in your arms.Everything seems to drift away up into some higher power when your embrace is within my grasp.Power lines.You've shown me how to feel.Not with touch,nor sight.I can genuinely say I have endured the freshest breath of air when your presence is near.You make un-easy,in that can't sleep,can't eat,reach for the stars over the fence,world series kind of love way.I can't quiet pinpoint what this feeling is,all I know is I hope it never goes away.