
Same old thing,and then some.

Sometimes I really can not believe who I am.It intrigues me yet scares me shit less.It's a mix of the two,really.I'm learning every arch,every curve,every scar,every stitch,every flaw that there is on my body,the roughness and the tenderness of my skin.It's like an anomaly but in a good way?I'd say so.And when I think about my future and what every single day has to give to me,I never panic.Oh man,instead I just get shivers up and down my spine,running through my veins like electricity.I hold so much potential,too much potential at that.Its overwhelming at times,to even think how extraordinary I am.I hate to say I'm arrogant,or narcissistic,because I am far from perfect and I know that,but I honestly can say I'm blossoming quiet well.I'd like to say I'm grateful,and confident.Not cocky.To be frank about it,its all my dad's doing,in some absent manner.Pretty much all spiritual.Then sometimes,I sit back and wonder is this really happening?I don't question though,it's just a conscience reminder to myself,"man,my life is pretty darn neat."