
De javu in reverse

I swear I woke up this morning and had a gut feeling that this year is so going to be my year.In all aspects.I love that I'm not hesitating or second guessing myself whatsoever.Probably because I've been way too eager to just get through 2007,which is sad seeing as I was the happiest girl alive right about last January.But who cares.People change,which just goes to show you,don't take shit for granted,you could lose everything you ever had,or thought you had within a blink.Speaking of which.I'm going into this New Year very single.Mentally,and well,technically and I've never been happier.In all honesty,I'm just going with the flow as far as boys.I mean,they come and go like seasons,so it's nothing unpredictable.There is one boy on my mind,it's strange though.He keeps me on my toes,and keeps me warm at night.And we tell each other how cute we are.He gets my stupidity and enjoys reading to me.Not that corny ass poetry mess.Even better,Dr. Seuss books.It really doesn't even get any better than that.There are a few other things,but I'll keep to myself.I plan on seeing him more often,only thing is I don't even know his name.Ha.It's funny,he's hard to remember,but impossible to forget.God is definitely feeling generous to me this year :)

oh boy.