
Hero of a hero

I am incredibly confused right now.Confused about boys.Confused about my future.Confused about life,in general.This isn't like me,I always have the usual down to a science and planned out to a point where "square one" is basically coming out of my ass.I need to write.I need to vent more,to humans.I'm forgetting what my species does when loneliness arises.It was no surprise I hate girls,but now my own breed?Humans are a disgusting breed if you ask me.I feel as though the main let down is always being a second to somebody.When plans fall through,when boys say they can get ass all over the globe but still find some way to attract me like a bee to pollen.Why do I fall for those stupid accusations?Every one's a joke.But see,the truth is,every one's an alternative to everyone.Or lack of better vocabulary,last resort.I'm sick of it.There's always going to be someone better than you,faster than you,stronger,quicker shit,maybe even has better appearance,but no one can take away your dignity.And that is one thing that I do have.I only want one touch,one hand to hold,one set of lips pursed between mine,two eyes to stare at me.Whatever.This is what I do nowadays instead of acting out in some childish manner.I free style.Nothing fancy,nothing hunkydorey,but it's all that I've got;

"I'm in the process of rapping these rhymes
stand back or throw in a dime
you can never be too kind
to man kind
last girl you wanna fuck with
hair down,shirt tucked in
ready for ruckus
having these withdrawals
you're trippin balls
seeing mice all over the wall
you gotta big head
don't get it twisted
unless you got a date with the dead
tossin and turnin
my stomach is churnin
humble as a bird
spitting words
heads on the chopping block
you gots a small cock
niggas talk this and that yo
but I got more soul than a tornado
Whachu know?"

Pretty much & don't hate.