
Smash that trash

This weekend.
This weekend was probably one of the best weekends by far in this whole holy year.
2008 was processing slowly but now it's waving goodbye to me in a matter of months sooner or later.
There's more than a few things I can't repeat without giggling out loud.
I know what they are and they will stay with me forever.
Kind of like your nicotine touch with your adolescent aroma.
Good times,brotha.
Long boarded my ass to the moon and back,surfed up,hung out with old buddies,hung out with a mediocre crowd.
Runnin on zero millage hand-in-hand zero sleep.
But I got the best nap when my owner picked me up and we skedaddled back to the western times.
Crashed on the living room floor as if I've never been more grateful.
But now I'm sore and fairly full.
I've got alot of thinking to do,but as of right now I've never been more intrigued with such social ethnics.
Maybe because I was secluded for the longest time and forgot how it felt.
I have no clue as to why I ever stopped "chillen" with some of the greatest impacts in my life.
Fork in the road,I guess.
I'm grinning from ear to ear when the alarm of your name arouses.
Such an exciting tone.
Light as a feather,hard as an ox.
You're everything I want but everything I'm too weak to admit I need.
Maybe you're the better part of me that God has shunned for so long,so now he's showing me.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I was a pathetic mess but now I can breathe again.
You're almost my angel.
Just my angel though.
That's on the contra.
I've found myself again.
It feels good.
Scratch that,it feels amazing.