
You know it's over when zero was repeated 3 times.

This is more so going to be a big ol fat ass RANT.

1.Life as I know it is finally steady,even though I'll always stand by "the only constant in life is change"
2.Couldn't be more happy about that.
3.I've given in to my deadly sin,promises aren't promises anymore when it's all you've got to rely on.
4.It has gotten the best of me,and I let it.
5.I'm accepting this whole self-preservation declaration,simply for the fact I am a hermit crab without reminding myself I have to be selfish every now and then.
6.Boy,boy boy boy boy boy.Dear,boy,shoo fly don't bother me.
7.Unless you want to sing me Spanish lullabies.
8.New crowd,I'm enjoying this one quite well to be honest.
9.I need to get that fucking long board,and have some one on one time with it.
10.I'm more than done caring or even acknowledging how some of the people that were once in my life,want to publicly bash me for some sappy ass shit.
Reason being;
I DO NOT care,and I swear to God on my mother's grave,it does nothing more than amuse me,and makes you look stupid for giving me that satisfaction.And there are bigger things going on than you and I.
11.There are too many you and I's going on actually.
12.My fault,or theirs?Doesn't matter.
13.Never ask why,always who.
14.I like you,alot and when I say alot,I'm talking youdon'tevenfuckingknowIwouldletyoushitonmyface alot.
15.And you,ha just fuck you.
16.Life's good,but I want me a wifey.

Enough about that,I'm going to go exist in somebody else's life without them even knowing it.