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Oh shitfuck.
This weekend was pretty damn decent if I do say so myself.
Nothing extraordinary,because it was merely ordinary with a lil extra of some stuff.
Just didn't take my breath away,but shit was still fresh tuh death.
And Erika Myers,I love that girl.Yup yup.I don't give a fuck what anyone says about her.
She is amazinggggggggggg!@$#
And you're just jealous,seriously.I'm not one to gloat or talk trash,but I really mean it.
We just started kickin it and blazed together for the first time,and I feel like I've known her forever.
And nor do I give a fuck if you don't like me smoking.
You don't like the way I live,and I don't like your stubborn whore asian chink eyed ass.
So,I say we're pretty even,and we can agree that we don't like each other.
Stay over in that shit country,no one wants you back here anyway,and it's so sad how you think you can come back and everyone will just love you like they used to acting as if you never left this place.
Ha,keep dreaming babe.
You're better off NOT coming back,cause I can tell you now,yeah you're right.I've "changed so much" but only for the better,and if you don't see that,I honestly think you never knew me to begin with.
Fuck off,ya trick.
And I can't wait till you come back so I can crack some skulls,hold me to that.

You just do you and umma do me.
Couldn't have said it better myself
Ah,lovin life right now :)
And older boys!
And Erika.
And lots of good stuff to come.