
Creep,crepe,eep! & all of the above

Lets start with last night;
hahahaha,last night oh my.
Well,I burnt my hand on that damn straightener,I'm talking my whole hand,cause I picked up the scorching plates without looking.Shit hurt like a bitch.So,I told mum,and I never really cry about shit like that,but I couldn't bare it,and she took me to the doctor and I got some shot of narcotics.
HAHAHA,I was high as a kite.You should've seen it,all I remember is getting really happy and looking like a moron,smiling at the wall.Making baby noises,and mum got embarrassed and told me to cut it out.Then it started to ware off and I didn't like that at all,plus it made the pain from the burn come back,so I asked for more narcotics(it made me feel like a druggie.ew.)and mum was apprehensive about it,for certain reasons and I don't blame her.But I started getting violent,she told me I was throwing things and calling her names.Opps,ha sorry ma.Then the last thing I can recall is passing out at 9 and sleeping like a baby all night.That was nice.Hm,then today I woke up grumpy.It just wasn't my day,I had this feeling that it was going to suck from the start,and it pretty much did.I fell asleep in chemistry,got yelled at.DIDN'T meet that faggot after school,he never showed.I was pretty infuriated,at least if he was nervous about it,let me know,that way I'm not sitting in the hot sun for an hour.SHIET.Whatever to that.
I have an incredible migraine.I can't eat.And on top of it,I don't feel like being very political today,I just had to see this.This crap has got my panties all in a wad.Watch it: