
Think outside the box.

I always am.I'm always thinking outside the box,don't you know.Days have been shortening,nights feel extended.Maybe it's this daylights saving thing that's eaten at me.I feel inadequate yet accomplished.Meeting mends with certain people,straying from others.I hope I'm doing the right thing,I feel I am.And my father decided to call tonight.Big surprise,huh?I can't exactly tell you how I feel about him.It's like I only call him a father because technically you're supposed to call blood by such possessive pronouns.But he isn't a dad to me.Just a father,so to speak.A "dad" or "mom" is a character,an actual parent that is physically there and nourishes their child.Not my dad,no.He's just a father.I really enjoy our intellectual conversations though.Really,I do.In some convenient way,he has taught me right from wrong,after all,I was joined at the hip at one point and called him my dad.Before he left,that was.I no longer have hate and resent that man.I've learned things on my own and being the way I am wouldn't make much of a difference even if he were around.I've always been one to be independent,do things my way,and actually want to learn new methods.I'm fearless and the idea of being alone,in general,no longer frightens me.I make out alright,I'd say.There is that emptiness at the end of the day,I must admit.I have no one to blame that on,my relationships are the way the are,because I let them blossom that way.Some things are just set in stone.That's why I feel uneasy about having no control over certain situations.I'm afraid of let down and disappointment,every one is.Disappointment seems to have an ongoing affair with me.Not lately,it hasn't.But that's a whole other story.And entry,perhaps.