
Well,I mean dramatically speaking.

All I wanted was to make things right.Not worsen them.I swear my intentions are well,yet I still get short-handed.I can't even cry anymore.I'm all cried out.I just want to leave this town,take me with you.I don't care we go,just take me away from here.I'm like the underestimated mouse scurrying from the broom being swatted at it,or the gully fish being helpless and frightened as the cat mimics it and strikes it's sharp claw as it's objective.I don't ask for these things to happen,they just do.It's bad and good luck in different manners.I'm always the target in situations.I don't strive nor desire to be,because that's what we like to call unnecessary drama.I'm not that person anymore.I can't ravish the fact that I'm completely different then what you are portraying me to be,but yet these predicaments prove me wrong and make me look like a low person.Which is the last thing I intend to do.Basically,I'm wrong.I'm wrong about our friendship,about boys,about life.I hate this.All I want to do is straight up shut my trap and bite my tongue.I want to be a good person.I'm trying,more than you can fathom or even want.You're too busy being jealous of me and my achievements,instead of being happy for me.Even if what's going on doesn't exactly tickle your fancy,you're supposed to be my friend.Why can't you be happy for me?It's not my fault your shit doesn't amount to your expectations.That's not me.Admit it.You're a monster of your own creational disaster.I don't want to be known as friends with that.I think it's time for me to cut you out of my life,as hard,and sabotaging as that is,that's the only way.You're the reason why I am the way I am.Beneficial,yes sometimes as far as being intellectual,witty,admirable,and striving human.But you are a very desperate,jealous cold little girl.I can't associate with that anymore.Not to put all the blame on your behalf,but in all honesty,you're rubbing off on me.I can't take it.It's cruel and ugly,just like you,slowly becoming a side of me.Well,not anymore.I'm done investing so much time,so much of me into worthless efforts and people that aren't even legit or make me feel good about myself.There's so much on my plate right now,and I'm trying to be understanding,but how can I?I don't like to hurt anyone,ever.And someones going to get hurt,unfortunately.But that's life,right?No more waiting for you either,I need an answer.Nothings getting in my way of this change.Not again.